Your certified guide to

wellness in motherhood: as a lifestyle


1:1 Coaching

The ideal choice if you want to personalize these tools and use them with your unique situation and experiences.

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online COURSES

Classes that take this work deeper and help you incorporate the work on a more profound level so that you can make sure you are using the tools correctly.

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Follow along on my social account to find ways to incorporate emotional and mental wellness into your every day lifestyle.

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about jenn

master certified coach and instructor, wife and mother

Hi, I’m Jenn. I’m a Master Certified Coach and Instructor with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development. I’ve always been fascinated by the way we as humans connect with the world around us. After coaching thousands of clients from 50+ countries over the last 5 years, I’ve found that while we are all unique and special in our own ways, we are also so alike and are sharing the complexities of the human experience.

Our human experience provides us with the opportunity to connect to ourselves and the world around us in such a beautiful way and I am passionate about teaching people how to do so intentionally.

I created Emotional Mental Wellness as a way to build that intentionality and live a more connected and whole life, especially in your role as a mother.

As a wife and mother myself, these tools have given me the power to do just that and I am excited to share all the ways you can do that too.

emotional mental wellness as a lifestyle: explained

it’s about Improving your relationship with yourSELF AND YOUR OWN life AS A MOTHER

Emotional and Mental Wellness is not simply a lack of mental illness just as physical wellness is not simply a lack of physical illness.

I have created this space to bridge the gap between the two. This work has the power to transform you from the inside out.


It doesn’t matter how long you have done this work. You’ll never land at perfection and that isn’t the goal anyway. The goal is to watch yourself make subtle changes. The subtle changes start to compound and you recognize that you are more resilient and your life is more whole.

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Most of us tend to swing from one extreme to the other and back again. This constant swinging motion can, most likely, get us further and further from where we want to be. Forcing yourself often feels terrible, however, intentionally moving forward often builds a strong relationship with self and over time you find where you are really meant to be.

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